In my Single Sessions I accompany you with touch, movement and dialog.
My goals are to create awareness, release and connectivity in body and psyche, to accompany learning processes at work and in relationships, to support topics around your everyday life.
The awareness of the interconnectivity of body systems, soul elements, personal, collective and spiritual issues is in the foreground of the single session. I accompany you with it in your individual process. Each treatment is preceded by a conversation to clarify your concerns. Then I accompany you with my hands and with movement instructions.
Body, psyche, art, sustainability, healing and spirituality form a holistic, multidimensional unity, which we can encounter by deepening through the body. Somatic, energetic, spiritual and artistic levels can be addressed individually or as a whole. I accompany you with the following approaches depending on your desire:
- Systemic and Integrative Movement Therapy® (an extended Feldenkrais method).
- ZenBodytherapy® (combination of Rolfing, Feldenkrais and Zazen mediation)
- Visionary Cranio Sacral Work
- elements from Shiatsu, Rosen Method, Fascia Work, Body Mind Centering and much more
Holistic Dance
- Authentic Movement Plus
- Teachers Training Supervision
- Systemic, holistic consulting
- Constellation Work
Fields of application:
Improvements in the musculoskeletal system and muscle tension
body awareness training
mental and physical stress
headaches and migraines
breathing problems
burn-out prevention and rehabilitation
as support for the therapy of neurological diseases
as support in the artistic process
improving quality of life in work and relationships
finding and manifesting vocation
Appointments with Sabine Parzer can be made directly at admin@holistic-dance.at.
I felt deeply accepted....
... so that something very old could heal. I still get a warm feeling in my heart when I think about it.
Grinberg Practitioner